Dark Royal - CM12 / CM13 Theme



not available

!!YOU MUST HAVE A CUSTOM ROM WITH THE CM12-13 THEME ENGINE FOR THIS TO WORK!! Don't buy this if your not sure what that is!Dark Royal is a nearly black theme with blue accents for the CM12-13 theme chooser and tested on Screw'd, AICP, BlissPop, Euphoria-OS, Dirty Unicorns and Resurrection Remix for the Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 (2013).Please let me know if there is anything missing or broken on your device or rom.
!!This is a work in progress so expect frequent updates!!
- SystemUI
- Dialer
- Contacts
- Documents
- Gallery
- Notification drawer
- Quick Settings
- Notification, Ringtone and Alarm sounds
- Wallpapers
- Hangouts (Theme Ready)
- Google+ (Theme Ready)
- Google App (Theme Ready)
- Google Photos (Theme Ready)
- Gmail (Theme Ready)
- Youtube (Theme Ready)
- Google and AOSP Keyboards
- Google Messenger
- Play Music
- AOSP Messaging
- Join
- Kernel Adiutor
- Nova Launcher (night theme)
- Root Explorer (dark theme)
- Today Calendar
- Tapatalk
- Many more apps!
Enjoy ;-)
* Please flash Theme Ready Apps by daveyannihilation, djdarkknight96 and Train88 for Hangouts, Gmail and Google Plus theming - http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/apps-themeable-hangouts-layers-cmte-t3113192
You can find my other themes here TheRealBigJake
Please email me if you see something I missed or if there is something I didn't theme that you would like themed.Thanks, Jake